Secure user verification and engagement with Telegram.

Tired of juggling messy phone verification? AuthSloth makes it easy. Verify users with Telegram - all in one simple, secure platform.

See how it works

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Talk isn't cheap - until now.

Messaging that keeps your budget happy.



Coming Soon


Telegram Messages

Phone verification in minutes with an intuitive API.

Get up and running quickly with easy integration and minimal code.

Create and configure your project in minutes.
Generate verification links effortlessly with our API.
Users verify via Telegram, and you get instant updates.

We tackled the complexities of global phone authentication, so you can focus on growing your user base.

Trusted Platform

AuthSloth harnesses Telegram's 950+ million monthly users. Say goodbye to SMS - hello to familiar, secure verification.

Global Reach

Ditch SMS hassles. AuthSloth rides Telegram's global network for seamless verification everywhere without costs or inconsistent delivery headaches.

Lightning-Fast Signups

We've turbocharged onboarding. From 2 minutes to 30 seconds flat. No kidding!

Easy Setup,
Big Impact

Even small teams can integrate our API in under 24 hours. Need help? We're here 24/7.

Simplify phone verification for your users today.

Start now for free.